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Improving INP in React and Next.js cover image

Improving INP in React and Next.js

A follow-up article on the new Core Web Vital INP outlining some techniques to improve your INP score in Next.js and React....

How to test React custom hooks and components with Vitest cover image

How to test React custom hooks and components with Vitest

In this guide, we'll navigate through the process of testing React hooks and components using Vitest—a powerful JavaScript unit testing framework. Discover how Vitest simplifies testing setups...

CSS Hooks: A new way to style your React apps cover image

CSS Hooks: A new way to style your React apps

With the rise of CSS in JS libraries like Material UI and Chakra, developers have started creating dynamic and reusable styles using JavaScript; however, the performance implications of these libraries have led to the exploration of alternative solutions....

AI (Probably) Won’t Ruin Your Engineering Career with Ben Lesh, Adam Rackis, & Tracy Lee cover image

AI (Probably) Won’t Ruin Your Engineering Career with Ben Lesh, Adam Rackis, & Tracy Lee

In this episode of the Modern Web Podcast, hosts Tracy Lee, Ben Lesh, and Adam Rackis kick things off by discussing the progress of observables landing in the browser and the potential impact it could have on the use of RXJS. As developers, we're always on the lookout for new tools and technologies that can make our lives easier, and observables in the browser certainly have the potential to do just that. They talk about whether or not you should listen to your “customers” or have a strong vision that you want to push forward, like Ryan Carniato and his approach with Solid and Signals. The three also talk about AI tools, such as GPT and Co-Pilot, and how they are shaping the future of coding and ideation. Finally, Ben, Adam, and Tracy briefly touch on the potential impact of automation on job roles and the outsourcing of tech jobs. While automation can streamline certain tasks, it's important to remember that human creativity and problem-solving skills are irreplaceable. Download this episode here!...

Next.js Route Groups cover image

Next.js Route Groups

Learn how to organize and optimize your application routing with ease. Say goodbye to messy routes and hello to a more intuitive and maintainable structure with the new Next.js Group Routes!...

Demystifying React Server Components cover image

Demystifying React Server Components

React Server Components (RSCs) are the latest addition to the React ecosystem, and they've caused a bit of a disruption to how we think about React....

New Web APIs, CSS, Tailwind, and RSC with Chance Strickland, Ben Lesh, Adam Rackis, and Tracy Lee cover image

New Web APIs, CSS, Tailwind, and RSC with Chance Strickland, Ben Lesh, Adam Rackis, and Tracy Lee

Tracy Lee, Adam Rackis, and Ben Lesh host special guest Chance Strickland to discuss topics around new web APIs, CSS, Tailwind, and react server components. They go into detail about a new web API that allows the implementation of dark mode to be really easy, and get excited about how many of these new APIs open up new possibilities for creating user-friendly interfaces that adapt to individual preferences. Chance is curious about the implementation of React Server Components, and how RSCs will be implemented across the React world, and what the implementations will ultimately look like and how wildly different they may be from company to company. Will a standard emerge? Chance also shares his excitement for advancements in CSS and the ability to achieve complex effects with simpler code. And of course, they don’t miss the chance to talk about Tailwind’s tradeoffs and advantages. The four of them emphasize the importance of staying curious and constantly seeking better ways to approach coding tasks. This mindset is crucial in an ever-evolving field like web development. By embracing new technologies and staying open to learning, developers can stay ahead of the curve and deliver exceptional results. Listen to the full episode here:

Can Vercel Fix React? cover image

Can Vercel Fix React?

Tracy Lee, Ben Lesh and Adam Rackis discuss the current state of React and its potential future. React and Vercel: A Positive Change? One of the key topics of conversation revolves around React and its relationship with Vercel. It's worth noting that high-profile React core team members have recently made the move to Vercel, which many see as a positive change. This move brings fresh perspectives and expertise to the project, potentially leading to exciting developments in the future. However, the hosts also acknowledge the challenges of upgrading to React 18, as there are still many users on older versions. Upgrading can have a significant impact on tests and requires careful consideration. It's clear that React's evolution is an ongoing process, and the community plays a crucial role in shaping its future. The Potential of Bun: A New Default Runtime for Node Development Is there potential for the runtime called Bun to become the default for node development? Ben expresses skepticism about this possibility, highlighting the need for perfect execution and widespread community support. Switching to a new runtime involves extensive testing and potential risks, especially for critical financial services. On the other hand, Adam presents a more optimistic view, emphasizing the advantages, such as its built-in TypeScript support and improved interop with node. He believes that as Bun continues to grow and improve, and could become a compelling option for new projects. The Future of Front-End Development: Likability and AI They also share their thoughts on the future of front-end development and various technologies. They highlight the importance of likability and the team behind a project, as these factors can greatly influence its success. Additionally, they discuss the potential impact of AI on framework development, raising interesting questions about the role of automation in shaping the future of web development. While React is praised for its strengths, its perceived limitations compared to other frameworks are also mentioned. The advancements in state management in Angular are highlighted, showcasing the continuous evolution of front-end technologies and the need for developers to stay adaptable and open to new possibilities. Listen to the full podcast here:

Deploying Multiple Apps From a Monorepo to GitHub Pages cover image

Deploying Multiple Apps From a Monorepo to GitHub Pages

Explore deploying multiple front-end applications on GitHub Pages with our guide. Learn how to navigate the challenges of client-side routing and efficiently manage multiple apps in one repository....

Building interactive forms with TanStack Form cover image

Building interactive forms with TanStack Form

Discover the power of TanStack Form, a new headless form library that simplifies building complex, interactive forms....

File Based Routing with Expo Router cover image

File Based Routing with Expo Router

Learn about Expo Router, a file-based solution for React Native and web apps, enabling seamless navigation across screens using uniform components on Android, iOS, and web....

Does Replay Fix All ​​Debugging Issues? cover image

Does Replay Fix All ​​Debugging Issues?

Rob Ocel and Adam Barrett talk with Jason Laster, CEO and co-founder of Replay. For those of you who are unfamiliar, Replay is an innovative browser development tool that is revolutionizing the way developers approach time travel debugging and bug fixing. This episode highlights all the reasons why Replay is such an amazing tool and all the problems it solves for developers. Jason shares the background on where the concept of time travel debugging came from, and how it actually works in Replay. The idea that you can capture a bug once and replay it as many times as needed enables developers to zoom in and identify the root cause of the issue. This approach saves infinite time, as you no longer have to rely on guesswork or spend hours reproducing bugs. Download this podcast episode here!...