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Angular News : Ngrx, Web Bluetooth, NativeScript, & Angular Translations

This article was written over 18 months ago and may contain information that is out of date. Some content may be relevant but please refer to the relevant official documentation or available resources for the latest information.

Angular’s innovative updates and partnerships continue to move forward and grow each month. The community is constantly moving and introducing interesting topics for Angular and JavaScript developers. In this article we review conversations around the beginnings of the Nativescript and Angular integration, new inventions using APIs like web bluetooth and IoT, solutions the Angular community has created to address translation issues in Angular, and use cases for the popular ngrx.

Featured are experts in Angular including Mike Ryan (@mikeryandev) from the ngrx core team, Olivier Combe (@Ocombe) from the Angular Core Team, Uri Shaked (@Urishaked), a Google Developer Expert and speaker, and TJ Vantoll (@tjvantoll), Principal Developer Advocate at Progress for NativeScript.

Angular + ngrx

The Benefits of Using ngrx with Angular with Core Contributor Mike Ryan

As a core contributor of ngrx, Mike introduces us to the ngrx project. Ngrx is a concise reactive library for Angular. With the need for higher performance, Mike was determined to create a library that had immutable state management for applications. Once this was accomplished, the idea to use observables to express the state changes followed.

Mike explains the value of using ngrx with angular and the benefits of having the ability to manage state and side effects. He also discusses some comparisons between ngrx and redux-observable.

When using ngrx, it is important to consider the state of the application and how many ways this state can change. If there isn’t very much state and the only updates are made with REST APIs, ngrx might not be the best fit. However, when a lot of user interaction is involved and you are making a lot of REST calls or handling webstock and images is a must, using ngrx is highly beneficial.

The path to adopt ngrx is a simple one. Mike explains how developers may go about (slowly) introducing an application they recently built.

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Angular, NgBeacon, and Bluetooth

Combining Angular, Web Bluetooth, and IoT Hardware with Uri Shaked

Uri Shaked demonstrates what happens when you collide two worlds that you’re passionate about. You create inventions that are fun and exciting. Uri introduces NgBeacon, a bluetooth low energy device capable of running JavaScript code. In this interview, he showcases how the device can broadcast urls through the physical web with the help of a Chrome widget on an iPad.

Electronics is something that Uri explores as a hobby. He mentions that he is a beginner himself, as he had the NgBeacon’s PCB board made in China, and learned how to solder components onto it on his ownr. Uri shares another creation of his, Bonnie, a mascot Shai Reznik uses in all of his instructional videos. Within a few minutes, he is able to connect the 3D printed Bonnie to a phone and command it to say “hi”. Uri then explains how this is possible.

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Angular Translations + i18n

Building Multilingual Applications Using Angular Translations and i18n with Olivier Combe

Olivier Combe, an Angular core team member, walks us through the difficulties involved with translating apps in Angular. When Angular 2 was released in alpha, Olivier was determined to start a project that would help him learn more about the framework. His first choice was to start a library, so he decided to experiment with angular translate. After discovering that this was something a lot of people needed, he continued to work on it.

When companies are thinking of adding translation to their applications, there are two main things that Olivier addresses as important. The first is whether or not a translation fits into the website design. The second is what solutions are currently available and on the market.

He also explains one of the hardest parts of building a multilingual application is translating strings in your code. Because of this, it is difficult to have one source of data. He also adds that some languages may be harder to translate because of the complexity of characters or structure. One example Olivier gives is creating an app where the language interpretation occurs from right to left, instead of left to right. In this case, one would have to change the wall design in order to adapt to this specific language rule.

Olivier explains the simplest way to overcome these issues is to create a website that is agnostic. i18n can be an option for simplifying angular translation as well. Olivier is currently working on improving the support of this process so that it can be used in code. He’s also looking to improve the way dates and numbers are handled, and perfecting tools. Adding support with i18n so that it can be used in code is also something in the works and stemmed originally from how Google uses closure in its i18n attributes.

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Nativescript, Cordova, and Angular

The History Behind the Inner Workings of NativeScript and Angular with TJ Vantoll

TJ shares the history behind how NativeScript was first implemented and why. Before NativeScript, Cordova was the well-known mobile development framework and was great for building simple web apps. However, performance and device capabilities soon became matters in question to both the users and the developers. After realizing the downsides of Cordova, the NativeScript team decided that creating something new from the ground up should be the next step. That was when Nativescript was introduced as a technology that would support building native user interfaces.

TJ talks about the differences between using NativeScript compared to other alternatives that involve Angular in mobile devices. He refers to Cordova and Ionic as examples, and elaborates on how these two frameworks function. TJ covers how JavaScript runs inside a mobile environment with JavaScript Virtual Machine and how it packages native binaries that are then shipped on iOS and Android apps.

The process TJ describes is very similar to how Chrome, using V8, requires an additional mechanism to provide info on window and document objects. TJ also talks about the tight integration between NativeScript and Angular, the perks of this collaboration, and whether or not other frameworks can join in on the partnership as well.

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Stay tuned for more Angular, as new releases become available in this community.

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