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State of Web Performance February 2023 Recap

In the most recent State of Web Performance event, our panelists discussed the current trends in web performance, the applicability of SPA architecture, the Performance Inequality Gap, how development teams can get better at testing on more devices, and much more.

In this wrap-up, we will take a deeper look into these latest developments and explore what is on the horizon for web performance. You can watch the full State of Web Performance event on the This Dot Media YouTube Channel.

Here is a complete list of the host and panelists that participated in this online event.


Panelists: -Alex Russell, Product Manager on Microsoft Edge -Sia Karamalegos, Web Performance at Shopify -Estela Franco, Web Performance Specialist at Schneider Electric -Yoav Weiss, Software Engineer, Google Chrome's Speed Metrics team

Updates from Panelists and What They Are Currently Working On

The event started off with great conversation by getting updates from our panelists, and what they are currently working on.

Our co-host Henri started by talking about how he likes to make sure developers are leveling up in their abilities. He stresses that performance literacy is of utmost importance.

Estela continued the conversation by talking about how she is working to improve the web performance culture at her current company, and that she is trying to improve the web performance processes.

Yoav talked about how he is excited about measuring soft navigations in SPAs.

Sia just finished an internal hackathon at her place of employment. She mostly works with trying to make merchant websites faster.

Alex spent about half his time on performance oriented things, and the other half is spent with first party teams at Microsoft trying to improve the state of web apps.

After introductions, the conversation pivoted to the talking points for this event.

Web Performance Culture Inside a Company

Estela talked about working at Schneider Electric, and how she was brought in by management to improve web performance. The company is aware of the impact of web performance for users and customers. It helped her when getting involved with the different dev teams there. Having the management vision to work on that was really helpful.

However, there was a struggle to keep different dev teams involved. A lot of the teams were aware of the importance of web performance, but web performance is more than just a performance score, and making sure the teams were aware of all that was involved was difficult at times. The environment overall has been beneficial by being the point of contact for changes made that may affect web performance.

Sia saw that changes were more willing to be made on performance when it started to affect SEO. She was happy that it made them want to get on board no matter what the cause was.

Innovations with Web Performance

Yoav started this off by talking about aligning incentives. He spoke about how core web vitals creates a shared language that enables everyone to talk about the same things. It also aligns the long-term incentives of the platform with the short-term incentives of developers.

He also talked about the concept of the "rage click", and how it isn’t a metric that is necessarily measured, but it is something that users can have a frustration with when the web performance affects how they interact with a site.

Hardware and Web Performance

Alex talked about how web performance doesn’t control the customer’s device, or the user’s hardware. It is also hard to detect software and it is often a poor response when it comes to software that isn’t liked. He explains that the web is the additive errors of a bunch of really hard problems coming together. He focuses on the complexity of what is coming down the wire.

Frameworks and Web Performance

Yoav talked about how people buy into a framework prematurely without knowing what the consequences would be for web performance. It usually happens that they are two years into using a framework, and then realize that a rewrite they did is a disaster from a performance perspective. He describes how it would be beneficial to protype in different stacks to see performance, but it isn’t being done.

Sia added that a lot of this happened before people started really caring about web performance. She thinks that maybe now people may pause and consider the implications of some of the initial decisions being made.

Estela agreed that teams don’t try different Frameworks first and pick the proper one because Frameworks are becoming more and more complex. It’s also hard to switch to a different technology in a timely manner.

Browsers and Web Performance

Alex spoke about his disappointment for the way browsers have behaved. Core vitals is a step up because it indicates that we are closing the circuit between what users actually experience. He talks about how the browser lacks in being the guarantor of solidarity between the decision-making wealthy class, and the people who are going to be excluded from these services.

Yoav agreed that we could do a lot to incentivize developer behavior in the browser.

Solutions to Support Web Performance

Sia spoke about how performance would make you into a multi-million dollar company, but it could change how many extra millions you get. If you’re a Dev shop, there isn’t any prioritization on performance because they’re trying to get the client to pay for that feature. The client is the one who has to care about performance. Senior leadership in a large company has to care as well.

Alex talked about HTML over the wire is really great for helping with web performance. He also mentioned SvelteKit, and how they are very responsible when it comes to web performance.


The conversation went in depth about the state of web performance, what is being done to help bring more awareness to it, and also how it can be improved. The panelists were very engaged, and brought many ideas to the table. It is always good to continue to have these discussions in order to stay current or talk about what needs to be done to keep things moving forward for the future of web performance. You can watch the full State of Web Performance event on the This Dot Media Youtube Channel.

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